Race Team-
These are the dogs that will be hitting the trail during this winter's races.
Select a dog to read their bio.
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Henry is an Iditarod veteran and a Kobuk 440 champion! He's a gentle dog but a strong leader.

Rivet is a 2 yr old female that ran the Iditarod with the Berrington's. She loves attention and being pet. Although she is laid back in the kennel she is super focused and she is learning to lead. I look for Rivet to make the 2021 Iditarod team!

Earhardt is a small dog, pound for pound, but he works REALLY hard. He has a great drive and likes to set a pace. He's a real natural born leader.

Bolt is named after Olympic athlete and world record holder Usain Bolt. He often runs in lead. This dog loves being loved on and enjoys getting and giving hugs.

Ghost is a sweet girl with a bit of attitude (take your eyes off her for a moment and she chews her neckline). She is small is stature but makes up for her size in heart- she is a steady dog that regularly leads our team.

*Melvin is SPONSORED by TODD and JILL LAMBRECHT* Melvin is a big dog and can sometimes be a troublemaker. He is strong and his power is an asset when running towards the back of the team.

Cloud is a happy and energetic dog that runs on the main team. She is the largest female in the kennel and the mother to Fog.

Dane loves to eat. He has a really good attitude and is one of the dogs on the main team.

Colt is another big boy and likely is the heaviest dog in the kennel. He runs in wheel. Colt is a 2018 Iditarod finisher.

Teddy is a nice dog but sometimes he can be a grump (we can all relate to him). He is a tough and steady and one that I am happy to have on the team.

Splint is becoming a great leader. He was part of Ryan's championship Kobuk 440 team in 2019 and is the only dog in the kennel with bi-colored eyes (one blue and one brown).

Quigely is 2 yrs old and crazy to go! She drives really hard and pulls to increase the teams' pace. She is really athletic and has a smooth gait. I am super excited to see what she does for the team this year!

Margot is part of the Minion litter (with Bob, Stuart and Kevin). She is full of energy and always has a smile on her face.

"Big Bob" is a big guy! He is part of the Minion littler (Stuart, Kevin and Margot) and is fun to watch run. Bob has a flawless gate and a lot of power!

Kevin is part of the Minion litter (Bob, Stuart and Margo) and will be 2 years old this February. He's a smooth trotter who takes his job seriously.

Super loves to mush! He is a very eager leader.

Archer is a tremendous leader. He is usually quiet but when you go to leave a checkpoint that all changes, he cheers the team on to hit the trail!

Stuart is a young playful pup. Much like his littermates Margo, Kevin and Bob he is a hard working team member that is a joy to watch run.

Bio coming soon!

Wildfire is a yearling from a Smokey x Noorvik litter. This young pup has a lengthy trot. He has a bright future as he is constantly on the move!

Inferno is yearling and is a brother to Wildfire and Inferno. This dog has a THICK coat who loves mushing! I look forward to having Inferno join the "big dogs" on the team this year.

Singe, this girl is one of the smartest dogs in the kennel. She is always ready to go and quick to learn. Singe has a beautiful run and in time I look for her to be one of our leaders.

Elvis is 2 yrs old and out of Smokey x Kotzebue. This is one of the bigger dogs in the yard. He raced Iditarod in 2020 with the Berrington's. Elvis has a hug heart and is a powerhouse (always banging in his harness to GO!). This guy is going to be a great addition to our team.

Sherman is 2 yrs old. This guy is a little shy but warms up quickly. He is BIG and TALL and STRONG! Sherman brings speed to the team and will push the others as he leads us down the trail.

Skidsteer is a brother to Sherman and is also grand in size. He is a social dog and is another pace setter in the team. Skidsteer likes running in lead but is still practicing "gee" and "haw".

Quonset is super friendly and one of the most eager dogs we have in the kennel. She loves being in front of the team and she never looks back! Like all of her sisters, she is gifted.

Quebec is a 2 yr old female who is SOOOOO friendly (maybe too friendly, if that is possible). When you approach her she often jumps to greet you. Quebec is full of talent and is quick to draw you in with her smiles and wiggles.

Quetzel is a 2 yr old female. She is big in size and is such a lover. She is always happy. This dog is crazy to go when it is game time, and she is often teamed up with Elvis when we are mushing. Just like her sisters (who all start with the letter Q) she is a great eater!