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Meet the Athletes of Redington Mushing

 2025 Race Team- These are the dogs that will be hitting the trail during  this winter's races.
Who's your favorite pupper? Don't be shy! Dogs can have multiple sponsors.


Racing dogs:



*Sponsored by Susan Craig* Born: Spring 2017 Family: Rawhide and Ruby parents Runs: Lead Races: Finished Iditarod 2021, 2022, Beargrease, Kobuk440, Knik200, Copper Basin, Kusko300, GooseBay150, Jr. Iditarod Bolt is named after Olympic athlete and world record holder Usain Bolt. He often runs in lead. This dog loves being loved on and enjoys getting and giving hugs.



*Sponsored by Bob Hobson* Born: May 2022 Family: Mom is Singe Runs: Team, Wheel Races: Knik 200, GooseBay 150, Iditarod Really excited about this big guy! Shows a lot of promise- maybe Iditarod? :)



*Anni Sereni is proud to sponsor Cloud for four years; Stephanie Bartelt* Born: Summer 2017 Family: Lofty, Merriweather, Puff, Lightening, Tornado pups Runs: Wheel Races: Beargrease, Kobuk, finished 1st place Iditarod 2023 in wheel Anni says "you are a beautifully wonderful dog Cloud." Stephanie also adores Cloud! Cloud is the biggest female on the team. She has the perfect gait, and makes pulling look effortless. This girl is a POWERHOUSE!!



*Sponsored by Ann Hartley* Born: Spring 2018 Family: Dad Bison, ½ sibling to Cloud, Melvin, Rivet, Vrabel and Q dogs Runs: Lead Races: Iditarod, Beargrease, Kobuk440, Knik200, Copper Basin, Kusko300, GooseBay150, Jr. I "Earhart is a superstar!" He is a super smart gee-haw leader. When he was a yearling he raced the Jr. Iditarod and won the best lead dog award. At 2 he finished Beargrease in lead, 3rd place. Earhart is known for his calm demeanor when he is not mushing and his love for kids.



*Sponsored by Carla & Jim Kilgo* Born: Spring 2018 Family: Kevin, Stuart, Margo, Bob, Wildfire, Journey, Singe 1/2 sibs Runs: Team Races: Finished Iditarod multiple times, 2023 1st place in swing; Beargrease, Kobuk440, Knik200, Copper Basin, GooseBay150 This is one of the bigger dogs in the yard. He finished Iditarod 2022 with Ryan in 9th place. Elvis has a huge heart and is a powerhouse (always banging in his harness to GO!). This guy is a great addition to our team.



*Sponsored by Terry and Jeannie Scott* Born: 2017 Family: Mother of Snoopy Runs: Lead Races: Finished 4 Iditarods in lead, including 2023 in 1st place; Golden Harness winner. Beargrease, Copper Basin, Knik200, Kobuk440, Kusko300, Jr. I "We are super excited to sponsor Ghost!" Ghost is a sweet girl with a bit of attitude (take your eyes off her for a moment and she chews her neckline). She is small in stature but makes up for her size in heart.



*Sponsored by Margie Bauman* Born: Spring 2019 Family: Wildfire and Singe siblings; Elvis, Margo, Kevin, Stuart, Bob ½ sibs Runs: Team Races: Gunflint, Copper Basin, Beargrease, Junior Iditarod, Knik200, Kusko300, Iditarod Journey is sister to Wildfire and Singe. She has a lot of attitude and drive! We are excited to have this sassy lady on the trail. See if you can tell the difference between her and her lookalike sister, Singe.



*Sponsored by Richard and Pat Salonen* Born: February 2018 Family: Bob, Stuart, Margo siblings. Elvis, Wildfire, Journey, Singe 1/2 Runs: Swing, lead Races: Iditarod, Beargrease, Kobuk. Finished Iditarod 2023 in lead with the Berington Twins. Knik200, Copper Basin, Kusko300, GooseBay Kevin is a friendly soul and a smooth trotter who takes his job seriously... although he seems to like to run in swing because he has a crush on Ghost, who's often in lead.



*No current sponsors* Born: Spring 2021 Family: Quebec mom, Warrior, Mystic and Thunder are siblings Runs: Team Races: Knik 200 Lynx is a spunky young dog! She loves to leap and often looks like a bunny in harness, bouncing down the trail. We are excited to see her continue training.



*Sponsored by Don Adam* Born: February 2018 Family: Kevin, Stuart, Bob siblings. Elvis, Wildfire, Journey, Singe 1/2 sibs Runs: Team Races: Beargrease, finished Iditarod 2023 Margo is full of energy and always has the sweetest expression. She's light on her feet and has a great appetite- perfect for races!



*Sponsored by Margie Bauman* Born: Spring 2021 Family: Joan and Ebb parents Runs: Team Races: Gunflint, Jr. Iditarod Wow this guy is one of our biggest and tallest in the team. He's loveable and is going to be one of the most powerful in harness.



*No current sponsors* Born: Spring 2021 Family: Quebec mom, Warrior and Lynx are siblings Runs: Lead, Team Races: Rookie



*No current sponsors* Born: Spring 2018 Family: Quigley, Quetzal sisters. Dad Bison: ½ sibling to Cloud, Melvin, Rivet, Earhart, Vrabel. Mother to Warrior, Thunder, Mystic and Lynx Runs: Lead Races: Beargrease Quebec is SOOOOO friendly (maybe too friendly, if that is possible). When you approach her she often jumps to greet you. Quebec is full of talent and is quick to draw you in with her smiles and wiggles.



*Sponsored by John Knowles from California* Born: Spring 2018 Family: Quebec, Quetzal sisters. Dad Bison: ½ sibling to Cloud, Melvin, Rivet, Earhart, Vrabel Runs: Lead Races: Iditarod, Beargrease, Knik 200, Kusko 300, GooseBay, Jr. Iditarod Quigley drives really hard and pulls to increase the teams' pace. She is really athletic and has a smooth gait. When she is impatient to go watch for her to spin in place! We are super excited to see what she does for the team this year!



*Sponsored by Margie Bauman* Born: Spring 2018 Family: Quigley, Quebec sisters. Dad Bison: ½ sibling to Cloud, Melvin, Rivet, Earhart, Vrabel Runs: Team Races: Iditarod, Beargrease, Knik 200, Kusko 300, Jr. Iditarod Quetzal is big in size and is such a lover. She is always happy. This dog is crazy to go when it's game time, and she is often teamed up with Elvis when we are mushing. Just like her sisters (who all start with the letter Q) she is a great eater!



*Sponsored by Beth and Ed Stanisiewski* Born: Spring 2018 Family: Dad Bison: ½ sibling to Earhart, Vrabel, Cloud, Melvin, Q girls. Thorn is her son Runs: Lead Races: Iditarod, Beargrease. Ran 80% Iditarod 2023 in lead, finished 1st place in swing. Knik 200, Copper Basin, Kusko300, Goosebay, Jr. I She loves attention and being pet. Although she is laid back in the kennel she is super focused and she is an eager lead dog. Ryan looks for Rivet to make the 2023 Iditarod team!



*Sponsored by Dana Robertson* Born: Spring 2018 Family: Dad Raptor Runs: Lead Races: Beargrease, Iditarod, Knik 200, Kusko 300, Copper Basin He is BIG and TALL and STRONG! Sherman brings speed to the team and will drive the others as he leads. He's been on our Beargrease teams each year.



*Sponsored by Cathy and Scotty Webb* Born: Spring 2019 Family: Wildfire and Journey siblings; Elvis, Margo, Kevin, Stuart, Bob ½ sibs; Spark, Chief, Ember pups Runs: Team Races: Finished Iditarod 2022, Beargrease, Goosebay, Knik 200, Copper Basin Little Singe, light on her feet and always in motion. She is always ready to go and quick to learn. Singe has a beautiful run and in time I look for her to be one of our leaders. She finished Iditarod 2022 with Ryan in 9th place.



*Sponsored by Beth Hisem* Born: February 2018 Family: Kevin, Bob, Margo siblings. Elvis, Wildfire, Journey, Singe 1/2 sibs Runs: Team Races: Gunflint, Copper Basin This handsome guy is one of our many Smokey pups. Stuart is a hard working team member that is a joy to watch run.



*Sponsored by Natalie Singleton* Born: 2018 Family: Archer and Rumba parents. Thorn 1/2 brother Runs: Lead Races: Iditarod, Beargrease, Kobuk, Knik 200, Copper Basin, Kusko300, Jr. I, Goosebay. Finished Iditarod 2023 in lead with Ghost. Sven is named after Sven from "Frozen". He has become a rock star as a sled dog. He is always the first dog to bark and jump to go whenever we take a break on the trail.



*Sponsored by Margie Bauman* Born: Spring 2021 Family: Rivet and Archer parents. Sven 1/2 brother Runs: Swing, Team Races: Gunflint, Iditarod, Knik 200, Goosebay Thorn is Rivet and Archer's son and a promising young dog!



*Sponsored by the Millers* Born: Spring 2021 Family: Quebec mom, Warrior, Lynx, Mystic are siblings Runs: Team Races: Knik 200 Thunder is a promising young dog! He's a little shy but really comes to life when he is in harness running with the other dogs. He has a lot of potential and we are excited to see him mature.



*Sponsored by Jack and Georgette Mackenzie* Born: Spring 2018 Family: Dad Bison: ½ sibling to Cloud, Melvin, Rivet, Earhart, Q girls. Runs: Team Races: Iditarod, Beargrease, Kobuk, Kusko300, Knik 200, Copper Basin, Goosebay Vrabel is a solid team dog! Count on this dog to make the longest distance races each year. He's all business when in harness to help the team get down the trail.



*Sponsored by Audrey Scott* Born: Spring 2021 Family: Quebec mom, Lynx, Mystic and Thunder are siblings Runs: Team Races: Gunflint, Knik200, Goosebay150, Jr. Iditarod, Iditarod Warrior is a promising young dog! He is a smooth trotter with a great build. Looking forward to seeing this guy race in upcoming years.



*Sponsored by the Millers* Born: Spring 2021 Family: Quigley and Henry parents Runs: Team Races: Rookie Wendy is Quigley and Henry's daughter, and she is a promising young dog! She's a high jumper in harness, a good eater, and a happy attitude. Her favorite dog to run next to is Warrior.



*Sponsored by Dr. Heather Hadley & Brian Cariveau and Val Brown* Born: Spring 2019 Family: Singe and Journey siblings; Elvis, Margo, Kevin, Stuart, Bob ½ sibs Runs: Team Races: Finished Iditarod 2021. Gunflint, Beargrease, Knik 200, Copper Basin Wildfire is a happy & energetic dog who has had a remarkable journey recovering from a snowmobile accident. You can always find him with a smile and a wagging tail. He LOVES to cheer and bark while he's mushing because he's living his best life!

Up and Comers

These rookies are trying out for the big leagues!


New generations of Iditarod champions

Sponsoring a whole litter helps to cover the costs of extra nutrition for mom,

parvo and other shots for the new puppies, and deworming

New horizons

These dogs are training with fellow mushers this season

Retired dogs:



*Archer has been adopted by Erica Archer is the smartest leader we have. He is also one of the smallest dogs in the kennel. Although he is small he is mighty and works hard. Archer has one of the most competitive sides I have ever seen. He loves racing and has won the Beargrease Marathon, Kobuk 440 and the Gunflint (4 years in a row).

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